Make A Donation to Honor, Celebrate or Remember Someone Special
Consider honoring, celebrating or remembering a friend or family member with a gift to the daily operating at PATH House. Your generous support will help us sustain a safe and healthy home for a family while they live at the PATH House. You will receive our gratitude and your honoree will receive a commemorative card for your gift. Please include the name of the deceased or honoree and the name and address for the acknowledgement. If you want the notes personalized, please include information such as: This is a memorial for John Smith, please send the memorial acknowledgement to his wife Mary Smith and Family at the following address.
In Memory Of...
Make a memorial donation tp PATH and we will quickly send a condolence message on your behalf. A gift to PATH is a meaningful way to honor and remember someone who has passed.
In Honor Of...
A celebration donation to PATH is a unique way to honor special people in your life. PATH will swiftly deliver your well wishes to to the recipient.